The financial costs of their in-house transcription were simply too large a burden to bear. The cost of wages and salaries was significant. Their decision to outsource transcription was in line with the industry trend. They also had some staffing issues and trouble around some work-type TATs. Quality was rarely an issue, but it came at a price.
Diskriter provided an excellent migration plan to handle the deep concerns of their employees, many of whom had been with SMMC for several decades. The average employee had 10 years in the department. Diskriter sent individuals with strong inter-personal skills who had been here and done that with respect to the outsourcing experience. This helped their folks a lot in that the questions and answers surrounding the transition process were more credible. All employees were offered employment with benefits.
They had very positive transition experience with Diskriter, despite the outsourcing of 25 longtime employees. Our HR team was strong, the technical solutions and go-live were smooth, and the support was available 24/7. The wages and salaries were the largest cost factor, and they have saved over half of their transcription costs due to the elimination of 25 FTEs. Their user adoption was difficult for a period of time, but this is not out of the norm of a switch from in-house to external transcription.
Faster turnaround times, significantly lower costs, excellent quality and opportunities for operational improvements utilizing Diskriter’s technology and tools are solid benchmarks that confirm that SMMC made the correct choice.
It has been a pleasure working with SMMC who truly saw us a partner. We worked tirelessly with the client to ensure a successful outcome to a major implementation. They received a quality set of resources for their project team, and a strong commitment by Diskriter to make sure things worked for their physician, staff and patients.